Lt. Taylor organized a donation drive to buy necessities and niceties to fill the bags. University Police Officers, along with LSU Health New Orleans leadership, contributed.
Thirty smaller bags included either a towel or socks, a toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, and one or two other items.
Fifteen bags for women also contained feminine hygiene products.All were given out, and all were appreciated. A chorus of “thank-yous” and “God-bless-yous” could be heard as Lt. Taylor, Sgt. Devon Allen, Police Officer Christy Hawxhurst and Police Officer Michael Mims handed out the gift bags to the men and women as they filed through the breakfast line at the Rebuild Center.
Taylor collected the donations and personally shopped for the items. She and her fellow officers assembled the bags. Taylor then recruited a band of blue elves to deliver them.
She’s already looking ahead to next year. “I would like to make this a yearly thing, each year bigger and better.”